
Best playclaw 5 settings
Best playclaw 5 settings

Right-click the Hell Let Loose and click the Properties.Click the Set Launch Options in the General tab.Type or paste the following commands into the box in the incoming window.You should keep your computer’s graphics drivers updated. People who have an NVIDIA graphics card can download and install their new drivers here. People who have an AMD graphics card can download and install their new drivers here.

best playclaw 5 settings

#Play claw 5 how to see fps on screen install#

  • #Play claw 5 how to see fps on screen install#įinally, click on the Maximum Tessellation Level and select the 32x or lower.Click on the Tessellation Mode and select the Override application settings.Now, click on the Wait for Vertical Refresh and select the Always off.Click on the Texture Filtering Quality and select the Performance.Then, click on the Anisotropic Filtering Level, so make sure you are selected the 2X.Go to the Anisotropic Filtering Mode and turn it on.Click on the Anti-aliasing level, so make sure you are selected the 2X.Go to the Anti-aliasing mode, choose Override application settings.Apply and close the NVIDIA Control Panel.Select your GPU as processor under “PhysX settings”.Then go to “ Configure Surround, PhysX” page.If you have a notebook, make sure you are selected the “High-performance NVIDIA processor” on preferred graphics processor.Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance Select the Hell Let Loose from the list, then click on the “Add Selected Program” button.Click the “ Use my preference emphasising“ (If you have a mid&high end pc, Let the 3D application decide).Go to the Adjust image settings with preview tab.

  • Best playclaw 5 settings